
Come Learn What Works! What are our clients saying:



“I started experiencing gastrointestinal issues at 18 after a trip to Mexico. Throughout college, I started noticing that I couldn’t eat or drink the same way as my peers without ending up doubled over in pain. The weekend would always eventually catch up with me in a significantly more severe manner than most. I trudged on. By my senior year, I finally sought out help. I went to a gastroenterologist and had many tests run ranging from a colonoscopy to a breath test. Turns out I had a specific gut disease known as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), a form of IBS. From the age of 22 until 28, I tried two different gastroenterologists from both sides of the continental US and was put on different rounds of antibiotics spread out over a number of years to “clear out the bad stuff”, and advised to go on a restrictive diet known as LOW FODMAPS. The problem with the diet is that:

  1. It didn’t seem to make things better
  2. I wasn’t getting enough calories for my very active lifestyle (I was a college athlete).

Everyone who was essential in my life was acutely aware of the chronic “issues” I would have and the constant threat of ruining my evening by eating something wrong at dinner, but it was tough to ever nail down the culprit on my plate. I continued on in a quiet state of stabbing stomach pains and discomfort.

One morning at the age of 28 (dealing with a poor gut for 10 YEARS) I tried a probiotic drink that totally tanked my mood and actually was a catalyst, which sent me into a depressive episode. The realization of my mental and physical fragility along with the urging of my girlfriend caused me to seek help once again.

I was put in touch with a dietician with a Western-educated background who encouraged me to seek out Mary Kay, since our Western-educated version of addressing my problem never seemed to work. I was trepidatious at first, but I had finally hit my wall. I was in a position where I was ready to commit myself to practice.

Within FOUR MONTHS of working with Mary Kay, I had brought back my gut microbiome to the point where I wasn’t having stomach episodes, and I could actually eat clean foods such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, and asparagus without having to worry. She not only guided me into bringing my microbiome into a Zen state, but she also educated me on other ways to improve my overall health. My energy levels are up, my strength and cardio are improved, my focus is better, and so on. I’m one of the healthiest people in my cohort and I’m armed with a wealth of information. I’m now on a maintenance program after going full bore for the first 4-6 months, which allows me to have fun and occasionally engage in the transgressions in life without paying for it dearly. You’ll eat better, you’ll learn a lot and you’ll feel good on a more routine basis. Health is wealth.”  -Tom Rockel, Santa Monica, CA


“After nearly a decade of struggling to find solutions to a host of debilitating health issues, I finally found Mary Kay. I battled fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, lack of menstruation, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea,  loss of muscle mass, and fibromyalgia.

When I met Mary Kay I was at the end of my rope. I was 28 (now 29) and I thought I might be sick for the rest of my life. I was hesitant to trust another practitioner, but I was drawn in by Mary Kay. She was honest about what the healing process would entail and how long it would take to clear all infections (which included parasites) and to restore balance to my body. After so much time and money wasted on doctors who prescribed quick fixes, I appreciated her transparency and methodical plan.

Mary Kay has followed through in every way. She listens, truly cares, and applies her depth of knowledge in a personalized way. She is straightforward and very time efficient during meetings.

When we hit roadblocks, or other symptoms appeared (which they do in the healing process as we “peel back the layers”) Mary Kay found solutions. She is able to adapt quickly to what the body needs as it heals.

I wish I had found Mary Kay sooner. We have been working together for a little over a year, and my health has drastically improved. I have more energy than ever and I am thriving in my career and personal life. Many people have said I look younger than before and have asked what I did to achieve this glow.” Thanks Mary Kay!   -Adrienne Ackerman Los Angeles, CA


“When I met Mary Kay, I had been diagnosed with Lupus one year prior.  I had a biopsy and bloodwork that confirmed the diagnosis. I had migraines, fatigue, fainting spells, facial swelling, loss of monthly menses, thinning hair, weight gain, digestive issues and body aches. I also had a rash that was growing over my neck/chest which was continuing to scar.  I tried everything that my doctors suggested to stop the rash from growing, mostly drugs like methotrexate, but each month I could see it still growing. They told me that it was a symptom of lupus and offered no other options. I saw Mary Kay in March 2020 after hearing she is good with “difficult” health cases.  After a week of following the protocol she designed for me, my energy levels had increased and my headaches weren’t as debilitating. I was amazed! A week after that, I worked out for the first time in a year.  All of my symptoms started to subside as time went on. It is now August of 2020, just six months of working with Mary Kay, and I’ve felt the best I have in years, even prior to the Lupus diagnosis. My rash has stopped growing, I’ve lost weight, I no longer faint when I stand, and my periods have become regular again. I recently had bloodwork done and lupus is no longer detected, my numbers are all within normal limits.  I am so thrilled with the results I’ve had with Mary Kay, as she has given me my life back.  My sister and two different friends have had health issues for some time now, and I suggested Mary Kay. They are all feeling so much better and able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  When you are not feeling well, everything in life can seem hard. Mary Kay helped me change that.  Thank you for everything!!”-Jenna Lynch Los Angeles, CA


“Our daughter had challenges when she started preschool. She has always been very intelligent and smart, but had difficulties in initiating conversation and staying focused on tasks for any period of time. She also had intense emotional meltdowns and behavioral issues. Mary Kay worked with us and helped identify the root causes of the issues our daughter was having. We have seen tremendous improvement in our daughter’s social & behavioral interactions. In addition, she is now able to focus and complete all her work totally independently at 6 yrs old. The best thing about Mary Kay’s treatment is she focuses on complete wellness of body and mind with natural supplements and diet and lifestyle changes, which is beneficial for everyone. We are proud parents today and have seen our daughter excel in every aspect! All the initial issues we sought help for with our daughter have been completely resolved. And she has recently been selected for gifted program in a prestigious school! We absolutely recommend Mary Kay! Thanks!”-Nirupama and Subhadip West Hills, CA


“I first came to see Mary Kay after being urged by my daughter’s dietician. I had experienced 1.5 years of post-partum depression with my eldest daughter and I was pregnant with our second child. I was in the second trimester and experiencing tons of nausea and vomiting, anemia, and fatigue. My biggest concern though was having depression again after the baby. My family history includes depression and anxiety and I usually had a mild version that I experienced throughout my life.

Within the course of a few weeks, I began to notice a difference in my energy and my mindset. I was able to have the labor of my dreams with no epidural since I had an easier time feeling positive. I was able to bond with my baby much more so this time around. Of course, I still was experiencing some challenges because of lack of sleep during the newborn phase, but it was nowhere near what I had experienced my first time around post-partum. I know there are many factors at play, given that it was my second time around, but I know the supplements suggested by Mary Kay were a big part of my ability to function well.

The most surprising change in my work with Mary Kay came from the emotional work that we have done. As a therapist, I was skeptical coming into all of this, but I have experienced Mary Kay’s ability to tune in to my experiences. She has helped me feel more comfortable in my skin as we have been able to further understand how I have gotten in the way of experiencing my full happiness and embracing myself.

She is at the top of my list with regards to recommendations when others I love are struggling in life.”- Sara, Psychologist, Los Angeles, CA


“Before I started going to Mary Kay I was at a breaking point, I was chronically depressed, experiencing persistent insomnia, some days I didn’t have enough energy to even get out of bed, and was regularly constipated. I also have had a long history of stomach problems. At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and was put on Pentasa. When I was 26 years of age my Crohn’s came out of remission and I was back in the hospital. They informed me that my Crohn’s had moved from my small intestine to my colon. The doctor decided to put me on 40mg of prednisone daily to help. The prednisone had so many side effects and caused me to have the jitters that they put me on Xanax to help. About a year later I was back in the hospital with an infection in my small intestine and that is when I was put on 6MP a Chemo pill for a year. That was by far the worst year of my life. I had a laundry list of new problems due to the side effects of the 6MP and according to my doctor, I would be on this medication for the rest of my life. I had to go to the doctor each month for blood work analysis to make sure my kidneys and liver were still functioning since the chemo medication had a side effect of kidney and liver failure. I was unable to go to the bathroom for up to 4 weeks at a time and when I was finally able to use the restroom it was accompanied with lots of blood. I developed painful hemorrhoids, so even when I did use the restroom I would cry in pain. I thought this was the only way of life. My skin was broken out with cysts from the chemo medication, my hair had thinned out and I had chronic joint pains all the time. I was extremely unhappy with my health and my mental state of being was unstable.

When I first met with Mary Kay on September 4, 2012, I was on many different prescription drugs. I had just taken myself off the Chemo pill called 6MP 50 mg, because I was tired of all the side effects; however, my body was experiencing new side effects from the being off the 6MP. I was the following prescription drugs daily: Lexapro 20mg for my depression, Clonidine .1 mg 3 tablets to help with my sleep, Topamax 100 mg to prevent my migraine, Wellbutrin XL 300mg for my depression, Trazadome 25 mg for my anxiety. When my migraines got really bad I would take Maxalt 10 mg or Relpax 40 mg.

Mary Kay started me off with dietary changes, a daily superfood shake, herbs and nutrients. Within the first week of starting her program, I was going to the bathroom regularly without pain or discomfort. From that point on, I started to see her weekly for the next four months. Mary Kay gave me a new way of living; she gave me my health back. Over the course of 10 months and with guidance from Mary Kay, I am completely off all prescription drugs. I have energy when I wake up in the morning and am able to accomplish so much without feeling exhausted or fatigued, after just taking a shower. I NO longer get any migraines or have trouble sleeping. My emotions have balanced out and I am not nearly as emotional or unstable as I was before starting with Mary Kay.

Since I started going to Mary Kay, I feel like I have gained a life I never knew existed. She is not about a quick fix, but about helping you reach and maintain a quality life for years to come. If it wasn’t for Mary Kay I don’t think I would be happy, healthy, and excited for what the future holds. Thank you, Mary Kay, from the bottom of my heart for assisting me and continuing to assist me in this life’s goal to be healthy and happy!”-Hylah White, Los Angeles, CA. Age 30


“I came to see Mary Kay for chronic yeast infections that I had every couple months for 8 years. I had been to 5 different gynecologists for the issue and they said this is just normal for some women. I had also tried multiple different rinses, washes, natural remedies, and yeast creams, with no results. In addition, I had received a medical diagnosis for contact dermatitis and rapid heart rate. My doctor told me that my life span would be shorter, if I did not take beta-blockers for my heart. I also experienced regular migraines, severe PMS, urinary incontinence, and such debilitating allergies, that I could not leave the house certain times of years. I would experience runny nose, and such extremely swollen eyes, that I almost could not open them. In fact, my allergies were so bad, that I frequently had to be rushed to the emergency room for breathing treatments from 1997, until the time that I worked with Mary Kay. Even with the medication for my allergies, I was often so incapacitated by them, that I could barely function and was unable to get off the couch for days at a time. I was also diagnosed hypothyroid and put on thyroid meds and within 6 months of working with Mary Kay; my thyroid now tests medically normal.

As a result of working with Mary Kay, my entire life has changed. I have not had PMS, migraines, yeast infections or urinary incontinence in over 2 years. My heart and thyroid are both no normal and my allergies have completely resolved, I am off all medications and I can function and be outdoors during peak pollen season without any negative response or allergic reaction. And my heart rate has returned to normal.

Through working with Mary Kay, I am experiencing a level of health that I did not even know was possible. I am feeling better than I did 10 years ago and it is amazing. Mary has helped me create a life where I truly feel no limitations, physically or mentally. Her spiritual training has helped me see the world and others differently and without judgment. She has given me the ability to find my own inner peace and natural balance in life. The new consciousness that I have found with her guidance and life skills practices has helped me stop my negative thinking and feeling patterns, that I have been practicing my whole life. Her knowing and faith in you, that you will be the best version of yourself, will keep you motivated and eager to follow through.”-Gina Chenier, Torrance, CA


“Seth was diagnosed with a failure to thrive at age 2 ó and was not growing or gaining weight. Our doctor wanted us to see a specialist and to consider putting him on growth hormones. He also had extreme attention and focus issues, as well as frequent emotional outbursts and very disrupted sleep. Through working with Mary Kay and doing emotional work, as well as testing and optimizing his nutrition, Seth has now passed the point of any concern with his weight or growth and is consistently gaining a normal amount of height and weight for his age. In addition, his attention issues have significantly improved and his emotional outbursts are much less. He is also sleeping through the night. Overall, he continues to thrive and do better and better.”- Seth Sutter, 5 years old, written by my mother


“Cyrus was having intense seizures, approx. 1 per month for 2 years. The veterinarian was unable to resolve or identify the issue. After one session with Mary Kay and identifying numerous interference fields (injuries caused by trauma) on his head and spine and addressing with mud therapy, all seizures have ceased and have not recurred in the past 2 years – all solely from mudpacking.”-Cyrus the DOG, Black Lab/German Sheppard Mix –10 years old


“I had been suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for several years with extreme mental fatigue, an inability to concentrate and focus, memory issues, as well as joint pain. I could no longer exercise or function properly in my job. My doctors had no solutions. This was when I came to Mary K. Through her testing methods, she was able to put me on a personalized supplement regimen and detox program, as well as completely change my diet, lifestyle, and sleep habits. I am pleased to report that over the next couple of years, my health continued to improve and today I have fully recovered my health, which I thought might never happen. Mary K’s program requires commitment and dedication, but, for anyone who has struggled with health problems, what could be more important than getting your health back?” -Doug D. Los Angeles, CA


“Mary Kay has helped me overcome insomnia and chronic fatigue and has helped me with photophobia (light sensitivity) in my eyes. Mary Kay is serious about helping you regain your health. If you want to stay sick and aren’t willing to put any effort into getting well, don’t contact her, because you will not be a match. If you are tired of being sick and are willing to do what WORKS to get well, then she will be your guide and she will get you there!! She is very thorough and knowledgeable and will explain what she is giving you and telling you to do and why. She addresses health at all levels – mental, emotional, and physical – as it should be. You won’t find too many other health care practitioners as thorough as Mary Kay Finn. I highly recommend her, if you have a stubborn health condition that no one else seems to be able to help.”-Jen G. Los Angeles, CA


“I first began seeing Mary Kay because I had begun having trouble maintaining enough energy to make it through my dance class. Mary Kay did a thorough evaluation and assessment of my daily habits. She helped me understand how my morning eating habits had become unworkable for me. Changing my eating habits and taking the supplements quickly took care of my energy issues. She addressed some emotional issues I had as part of my “prescription” and she gave me the bare minimum of supplements I needed, and was very willing to work within my budget. I feel considerably more healthy than before seeing her. I highly recommend Mary Kay, whether you need to make big changes because of a serious illness or small changes …. Your overall health will improve, physical, mental, and emotional.” -Kathleen Carman Los Angeles, CA


“Before working with Mary Kay there were several functions in my body (physical and emotional) that were not working properly. I was feeling constantly fatigued; I did not sleep through the night due to experiencing hot flashes as well as frequent urination.

Furthermore, I went through several months of what I thought was early menopause; whereby, my body was experiencing levels of anxiety and stress, random hot flashes, and my periods had diminished to non-existent.  I felt I had no control over my body nor my emotions; and most importantly, I did not think I would biologically be able to conceive a child.

Fortunately, working with Mary Kay reversed and healed all of these symptoms within a short period of time.  My body and hormones are balanced, my periods are regular, and I sleep peacefully through the night.  I feel more vibrate and vital in all areas of my life.  I am deeply grateful for Mary Kay.”- Tamara Whatley, New York, NY


“Starting at age 14, I started having extensive gas and was very uncomfortable. Then at 18, I stopped having a menstrual cycle. My doctors decided that I did not have enough “fat” on my body and so put me on birth control in order “to create a period”. After being on birth control for over 15 years, I stopped taking it and tried everything from herbs, to eating good fats, acupuncture, and meditating to help my body produce its own menstrual cycle, but it did not work. Then I started to work with Mary Kay, a highly knowledgeable and great QRA practitioner. I now have a normal and timely menstrual cycle every month, my gassy stomach has subsided, and my strength, energy, and stamina have improved immensely. Thank you so much Mary Kay for being a great QRA Practitioner and supporter of me!” -Tracy Coe, Los Angeles


This client combined conventional therapy, other alternative methods along with working with me. Today she has no evidence of cancer. Here is her story in her own words: “I had a sigmoidoscopy, then biopsy to diagnose my anal cancer. The PET scan showed a primary site plus a larger tumor in my abdomen and a lesion on my liver. I had been super healthy. I was an acupuncturist, yoga instructor, mostly vegetarian and organic. I was diagnosed in 2012 with stage IV anal cancer. I did chemo, worked with a spiritual therapist who, I believe, was the cure. I also went to a QRA practitioner named Mary Kay Finn who put me on supplements and organ cleanses. She said I had a bad root canal, which later showed up on a PET scan, as an infection in the jaw…. (we also did ERT: Emotional Repolarization Technique)

Within 2 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments, I was NED. The oncologist was in disbelief. Regarding what might cause cancer, I feel that my subconscious fears and grief weakened immune system. I was sad at the loss of my mother, stressed from a bad marriage, uprooted by moving, and not acknowledging and nurturing myself. I wasn’t sleeping well, and I had a bad root canal, that I didn’t know about, which caused a low grade infection in my jaw, lowering the immune system even more.”-Lizzy Craig, Florida


“At 60 years of age, I have had several of the kind of health “issues” that generally come with advancing years and a less than a healthy lifestyle for many of those years. I have been working with Mary Kay and her QRA program for a couple of years now and have had remarkable success. My general health has improved with increased energy and resistance to colds/flu. My cholesterol levels have dropped significantly – to the amazement of the heart doctor (who put my stent in about 4 years ago). My family doctor – looking at my blood analysis at my annual checkup – remarked “you look amazing on paper.” All my levels were exactly where they should be. Also, years ago, I had an issue with a blockage in my urinary tract somewhere. I was having major problems trying to urinate. I went to a urologist who put me on medication which seemed to clear it up. I was resigned to the fact that I would just have to take this medication for the rest of my life. Working with Mary Kay, we addressed that particular situation and I have been able to stop taking the medication completely. This is just one example of the overall approach — which addresses root causes of health issues, rather than merely treating symptoms.”-Jeffrey Blish, Mar Vista, CA


“For the better part of the last 10 years I have consistently woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Now I consistently sleep through the night. I am getting the best sleep ever! And in May 2010 I was diagnosed with chondromalacia, also known as “runner’s knee”. I had an MRI which showed bone spurs and arthritis. My orthopedic surgeon said the condition was degenerative and really did not offer much help. I worked with Mary Kay, got tested, did my mud packs, followed her nutritional guidelines and was able to do a 50 mile bike ride in Aspen by July. I am so grateful and amazed. This really works, as long as you commit to the program.” -Nora Dennis, Pacific Palisades, CA


“I was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication for 4 consecutive years, I tried twice to get off of them, but couldn’t. After working with Mary Kay and beginning a QRA health program, in 30 days my depression and anxiety level went from 10 to 0. I didn’t even feel the “highs and lows” that comes with getting off the prescribed medications. I also suffered from low energy levels throughout my day, sleeplessness and digestive problems. All have gone away, too! I now feel physically, emotionally, and mentally whole. I can’t explain how it works, I’ll leave that to the experts. But, what I do know is that it works.” -Yung Kim, Torrance, CA


“Early in my twenties I got sick with terrible fatigue and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue syndrome. I was sick for about 3 years and saw about twenty different kinds of doctors and alternative practitioners. Through diet and various therapies, I got better, but never felt 100%. Recently, I had a major relapse and my life came to a screeching halt. I wasn’t sure how I would get through that again. This is when I found Mary Kay. After throwing myself fully into her treatments and education, I began to see very solid and progressive results. My health drastically improved, my energy increased and I find I rarely get sick with colds or flus. Mary K’s solid commitment, guidance and caring, not only gave me access to incredible nutritional products but educated and healed me with several therapies and cutting-edge modalities. This is not an easy path or a quick fix, but a journey where the individual gets to reclaim their health and rebuild their life better than before. I have since recommended several friends and acquaintances to Mary Kay, who are looking to be in the best health they can. Mary Kay is truly dedicated to getting her patients well and if you meet her with equal dedication you will see phenomenal results!” -Christian, Los Angeles, CA


“I was planning to have a home birth, but my iron levels were very low and the midwives said I could not do the home birth, unless I could get my iron up. I tried many things, but nothing worked. I was nine months pregnant when I went to see Mary Kay. In a week, she got my iron levels high enough, so that I was able to have a healthy baby boy at home.” -Paloma Posford, Venice, CA


“When I first came to Mary Kay, I had been suffering from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia for two decades. Working with Mary Kay enabled me to get at the root causes of my health issues and speed up the recovery of my health. When I started working with Mary Kay, I was experiencing sleep disturbances, ravenous appetite for meat (1.5 pounds a day), candida, frequently foul-smelling stools, inconsistent energy levels, low exercise tolerance, brain fog, fibromyalgia, and was on thyroid medication. Within the first few months, my sleep and energy levels became much more stable and my protein appetite began to decline as we cleared dozens of interference fields, eliminated intestinal parasites and liver flukes, and began monthly liver-gallbladder flushes. My stools are now usually very mild-smelling, and my candida seems to be under control (no more athlete’s foot or feeling weird after eating sweet things). My energy levels, blood sugar levels, and exercise tolerance are consistently improving. When I first came to Mary Kay, I got extremely winded and light-headed after as little as 5 minutes of exercise (or even just going up a flight of stairs). Recently, I have attended several dance events during which I danced vigorously for up to 2 hours. I am much less sensitive to missed or delayed meals. I have much less brain fog, and my reading speed and sociability has increased as a result. Also, I just recently decided to stop taking my thyroid medication to see how I would feel, and I feel fantastic. After a few days of transitional symptoms as my body ramped up it’s natural production of thyroid hormone, I don’t miss it at all. In fact, I feel better without it now, and I’m expecting my next blood test to confirm that my thyroid levels are normal because I feel like I have normal thyroid function now.

What has been different about working with Mary Kay (compared to everything else I had done for the previous 20 years to try to get well) is the fact that Mary Kay’s QRA testing identified hidden causes that no other lab tests or kinesiological muscle testing had found. And the PRL products just plain work. Another thing I noticed about working with Mary Kay is that I rarely experience any “die-off” or “detox” reactions as I have on other occasions with other approaches. I think this is due to the highly effective PRL support nutrients. The only times I’ve felt bad were when I was clearing interference fields and needed to do more clearing of those particular interference fields. And as if by magic, as soon as I did more clearing on an interference field that was making me feel bad while it was clearing, suddenly I was back to normal. Those experiences proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that interference fields do exist, that Mary Kay’s methods work to clear them, and that they were a major piece of the puzzle for me. I don’t know where I’d be right now without Mary Kay’s help in recovering my health. I am deeply grateful to Mary Kay and her colleagues and mentors for developing these methods.” -Brendan Moorehead, Los Angeles, CA

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